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Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Review - Bloodshot Reborn #5

Welcome to our BRAND NEW online reviews!  We hope you enjoy reading about what comics Nick and I are reading as much as you do listening to them.  Without further delay, let's dive in and see what else I'm reading.


Bloodshot Reborn #5
Written by Jeff Lemire
Art by Raul Allen & Patricia Martin
Additional Colors by Borja Pindado
Cover by Raul Allen 

The more and more you read Bloodshot from Valiant, the more you can understand why he will be the first one to have a feature film from the publisher.  Ever since the first issue of this series, you can really feel for Bloodshot as he gets pulled slowly back into his old life.  The way that Lemire writes the internal monologue in this series is fantastic.  Then that gets mirrored by Raul Allen in the art, bringing those feeling out (and boy did they come out in this issue!)  It's not easy to make the reader REALLY care about the characters, but you really do in this series.

Ray has been on the edge of losing it since the end of Issue 1.  Part of the reason for that is Bloodsquirt, check that, it's a major reason.  With each passing issue I find myself wishing Bloodsquirt would be taken care of.  Well now there's more tension than ever with the addition of Magic, who Ray picked up in the last issue.  You really get the sense that she will be very important going forward.  Bloodshot needs that comfort zone, and he's not finding that with the figments of Kay (who is pushing him to kill Magic.)  SOMEBODY doesn't make it to the end of this issue.  When that happens, it changes everything.  Then there's that folder with Ray's true identity.  Who IS Bloodshot?  You do NOT want to miss the end of this issue.

Every time Ray hunts down another nanite infected psychopath, much like his blood, you feel this series building more and more to an exciting conclusion.  Introducing Magic into the mix added even more intrigue to an already gripping story.  The pacing by Lemire in the story borders on perfection.  Matched with the vivid detail and attention that Allen gives to each page, this is a can't miss series for me.

Rating:  PULL

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