Down And Nerdy Podcast

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Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Review - Dishonored #1

Dishonored #1 - 
Titan Comics

Written by Gordon Rennie
Art by Andrea Olimpieri
Colors by Marcelo Maiolo
Letters by Rob Steen

Not long after E3 2016 wrapped up, I decided to go back and start playing Dishonored.  From the mystical elements, to the plague infested land, it just looked like a dark and mysterious game.  It certainly did not disappoint and I instantly became a fan of the franchise.  So when I saw that Titan Comics was putting out a Dishonored book, I knew I would be checking it out.  Time to find out of their hot streak of adapting video games to comic books will continue.

If you're wondering when the story takes place, it's 12 years after Corvo ends the reign of the Lord Regent and Emily becomes Empress.  Corvo is now training the very City Guard that he was fighting against, but he's also looking for something more.  A lot of this issue is focused on Corvo in a very personal way, he's looking for something that I won't spoil.  He goes off on an investigation and finds that there is a new threat to Dunwall.  He also meets up with something that is a great callback to the first game (you'll know it when you see it.)  In the heat of the battle, he comes across someone that looks very familiar.  By the end of the book we find out who it is, and what will be driving Corvo in future issues.

If you are a fan of Dishonored, this will definitely serve as nice fan service for you.  There are a few elements of the game that are worked in early, but you also get some new characters that we may even see play a role in Dishonored 2 when it comes out.  If you are new to Dishonored, this may not be as big of a deal for you.  In order to appreciate the depth of the characters, and why you should invest in them, I think you really have to be a fan of the game.  The big reveal at the end will still peak you interest, but a lot of the meat of the book may be lost on you.  The art in the battle sequences is very well done, but tends to be a bit lacking in non-action sequences.  As a fan already, I certainly feel like I want to read more to see where the story goes.  New fans may want to enter with caution, or at least do a bit of research on the game if you're intrigued by the premise.  This is one to watch, as it could really go either way for me at this point.


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