Down And Nerdy Podcast

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Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Review - Star Trek Boldly Go #5

Star Trek: Boldly Go #5 -
IDW Publishing

Written by Mike Johnson
Art by Tony Shasteen

Colors by J.D. Mettler
Letters by AndWorld Design

Not too long ago, we had Mike Johnson on the podcast talking about this series and it has never disappointed.  Boldly Go is just another in a long line of successful Star Trek comics from IDW.  This issue takes a deeper look at one of the breakout characters of the Star Trek Beyond movie.  Jaylah was definitely one of the most intriguing and strong characters in the movie, and now we get to find a bit more about her back story.

Do you remember that Seinfeld episode that started from the end and ended at the beginning?  That's exactly what happens with this issue, which is almost like tragedy in reverse.  The beauty of that is, the book ends on more of a happy and touching note.  Without spoiling anything here, we get to see just how much Jaylah has gone through in her young life, leading up to future at Starfleet Academy.  We actually get to see the depth of her family life and the bonds she had with each member of that family.  Seeing how each member of her family played a role in her future, and making it a spotlight, really makes you like her character even more.  The books ends on a very touching family moment that very much ties into the movie and the book itself.

Mike Johnson's appreciation for Star Trek is so front and center in all of his books, and really shines through here as well.  This is a strong, female character from the last movie and giving her more depth really sets up for even more great storytelling down the line.  As a matter of fact, reading this really makes me wonder if we should get a Jaylah spinoff series.  Even if it were just a six issue arc, I would absolutely be all for that if this creative team was on board.  Shasteen really did a great job at bringing the family moments to life, which I think really sold this issue.  Sure there is action, sure there are moments of evil, but this had almost a biographical feel to it.  I can't wait for more Boldly Go, but I'm really hoping we get even more of Jaylah going forward.


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